The Greenhouse guidelines

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The Greenhouse

The Greenhouse guidelines

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The Greenhouse guidelines


The Greenhouse is a forum community where Canberra Raiders fans can share their passion for the club and rugby league.

The Greenhouse cannot monitor every post or conversation, so we expect that you respect others and you must not post content that:

• is abusive, defamatory, obscene, profane or vulgar - strictly no swearing is permitted;

• is likely to offend, insult or humiliate others, including when based on gender, age, race, religion, sexual orientation, or any physical or mental disability;

• you know (or reasonably ought to know) to be false, inaccurate, misleading or deceptive; or

• violates any law or regulation.

We encourage your support and contributions, but we will reply or comment at our discretion and reserve the right to remove any posts or suspend or ban any users that breach these guidelines.

Please respect each other's opinions. When you disagree you don't have to abuse or attack someone. Please share your opinion but remember we are all Raiders fans.

Please do not engage in “forum cop” behaviour... We expect members of the group to act responsibly and treat others in the group well. Only the Administrators make calls on whether posts or posters breach The Greenhouse guidelines. We will remove posts discussing the moderation of The Greenhouse.


As a member of the Greenhouse, you should follow these key guidelines:

* you must not post content that could be considered libel by another person or content that is factually inaccurate or misleading. If you are not sure something is libellous or factually inaccurate, you should first make sure that the facts of a story have been published elsewhere eg in a reputable newspaper or news site. Provide a link to that story in your post;

* debate is, of course, encouraged at The Greenhouse. However, members should refrain from "going over the top" and from being abusive of others. You must not bully other posters;

* you must not use inappropriate images or language (eg swearing); images or language which are intolerant of others (eg racial or other slurs); images or language that are excessively vulgar, obscene or sexually oriented; or which involve illegal activity;

* we have filters for inappropriate language - you must not attempt to avoid them. Swear words are not permitted in full or in part;

* you must not post anything that breaches the privacy of another poster;

* you must not post the contents of private messages (PMs) on the open forum, unless both the sender and the receiver of the messages agree in advance;

* you must not breach copyright of others. If you are quoting from a story from another website, do not reproduce the entirety of news stories, only a short extract. You must include a relevant link to the site URL or the story URL. You must also include a relevant link to a mainstream news outlet for any significant breaking news. This ensures the original site is credited as the source and site is carrying legitimate news stories. Do not upload full sized images which are copyright and images not with the bounds of fair use. You may share visual material using the media code;

* if you are quoting a post from The Greenhouse (other than your own) and including it at another site, you must explicitly refer to "The Greenhouse" as the source and include the relevant Greenhouse URL link. Posts from The Greenhouse should not be quoted and reproduced at sites which do not permit the reference and link. This applies to all members and guests of the GH. You will be breaching our copyright without complying with these provisions;

* we don't encourage "poll hijacking" at other websites... by all means draw attention to a poll at another website if you wish, but posts suggesting that it be "hijacked" will be deleted;

* if you are quoting another member's post, you must not alter the original wording (though you may shorten to focus on the particular words you wish to quote);

* explicit commercial advertising content and site links, for example, in signatures or signature banners, are only permitted with permission of the Administrators;

* you must follow the requests of the Administrators and Moderators. They are all just normal Raiders fans like yourselves, and are not paid for their efforts;

* the Administration reserves the right to edit any material for any reason, including where it may be misleading or offensive;

* the Administration reserves the right to delete posts or lock threads where necessary for the effective operation of the forum or suspend or ban members on the rare occasions when the above guidelines are significantly or repeatedly breached. Only the Administrators can make the decision to suspend or ban members and will seek to consult the Administration/Moderator Group before a suspension or banning. Spamming may result in instant banning and deletion of membership accounts and posts by the Administrators;

* you must not operate as a "forum cop" - that is, make demands that this or that post or thread should be deleted or instruct the Moderators and Administrators on how to do their jobs. The Administrators and Moderators are there to help run the forum. Only the Administrators and Moderators have the call on what should be permitted in debate and whether posts should be deleted or threads locked;

* if you have a complaint or question about the moderation of the site, send a private message to one of the Administrators or Moderators. Their names are colour coded in green and blue, respectively. There are a range of Administrators and Moderators, so you have a wide choice of people to send your question or complaint to. It is a condition of use that you do not make posts questioning or complaining about the moderation of the site;

* posting on behalf of banned members or posting under another account while banned is not permitted.


The Greenhouse guidelines are not designed to cover everything. The site may act - issue a warning, ban your account(s) and/or IP addresses, delete/edit your post(s)/thread(s), etc. - if, in the judgement of the Administrators, you undertake any conduct that is:

* deemed that is counterproductive to the forum community; or

* in violation of any additional policies or requests posted in the forum.