C'mon gangers he absolutely killed it during Covid. By 'it' I mean millions of citizens.gangrenous wrote:Look I’ve only got so much Bull tolerance. So I’m just going to focus on this paragraph and leave others to respond to the rest.Boomercm wrote:I find the DOGE stuff fascinating. Very clever people in that group, all brought in by Musk obviously. And they have much more power than anyone thought because they are very smart and capable folk, working across all departments, 100+ hours a p/week. They will do a much better job than everyone thinks of making US government spending transparent. They will continue to turn the tap off funding, and then turn the tap back on slowly. It's the only strategy that would work to create transparency, genius really. There will be so much dodgy **** that just disappears. The down side will be that there will be some necessary funding stopped short term to get that transparency. This is just Musk's playbook in general, strip everything back until a couple of things go wrong. Fix those things, and then you have a system that is efficient. Then scale. I'd say overall its a net positive, but it's all a real life experiment really - no one has tried that approach in govt. I suspect a large overall positive effect in the long run, but not without some casualties (real and metaphorical) in the short term. And they certainly won't find a cohort of 140+ IQ folk willing to work so hard after Musk leaves. Anything might happen then!
Let’s look at what this brilliant idea might be like through the analogy of running a hospital this way.
Musk comes in and says “Right, we’re shutting off funding to the hospital for just a couple of days. Then we’ll restore everything and see what was critical.”
So without funding, there’s no power. All the machines cease to work. People on critical life support are all dead. People who needed complex procedures urgently they’re dead too, or perhaps managed to be sewn up and suffer to do it all again in future.
Many of the best doctors and nurses are appalled. They are outraged and left immediately to work at other hospitals. It will take years to recover their talent.
Musk then restores funding and the skeleton staff is working overtime trying to get everything back online. Small problems are festering to become big ones while the team has to focus on restoring critical services.
Now it’s time for the audit. Turns out we’ve got all these specialist critical life support systems that are heavily underused (because we just killed the current users). We make money by selling that equipment to other hospitals now it’s apparently useless.
The audit also finds that case numbers for things like cancer have dropped off dramatically while the diagnostic tools were offline. This is a miracle team. We’re curing cancer and saving money at the same time by halting further diagnostics,
This is the final straw for many of your remaining staff who speak out about this chaos. You fire them for dissent. Now your workforce is a quarter of what it was. Great job on the savings. Never mind that that quarter is a bunch of yes people who can’t find work elsewhere or are psychopaths.
But wait there’s more savings to be had - after a review of cleaning, a company that just dusts and mops a little has been found that are much cheaper than our current cleaners. There’s no time or money wasted with that anti-bacterial stuff, Musk tours the facilities himself to see that surfaces appear just as clean as before to his very own eyes.
So, job well done. Much money was saved and now we’re only spending on the critical stuff. Patient numbers are down which is great because we save even more - and those patients not coming anymore must all be healthy right? Improved health outcomes! Oh and we’ve done the stats and the average patient stay has barely changed, someone looking into the numbers suggested this was because longer stays in some areas were being offset by deaths in others. We fired them.
Of course I’m playing this up to stop myself from despairing at the suggestion. But ignoring the hyperbole, the underlying flaws/issues I’m exaggerating here are no less true. I can’t believe you let people spoon feed you this **** on your podcast and convince you it’s nutritious and delicious.
These people aren’t geniuses or hard working. They’re lazy and trying to take a short cut to doing the actual work of finding areas that can change whilst doing minimal/no harm.
You want spending transparency? Why not do an audit and publish the results instead of haphazardly killing people rather than doing your job.
Fast forward... he could just spread misinformation through the media. Ivermectum ... explaining away millions of deaths due to natural causes. But they wouldn't have died of natural causes without catching Covid. Suggesting he got covid himself and recovered within 24 or 48 hours. Worst political stunt ever.
The 'censorship of the media' is a nice touch too. Trump banned or gagged certain journalists and news outlets from his press conferences because he didn't like the questions being asked.
Let's see how his Trade war plays out though before we jump to (the very obvious foregone) conclusions.
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